- Damien Puckler Unofficial -
People giving interview to Damien Puckler Unofficial
Interview with Michael Matteo Rossi

1 : Introduce you and your work
I'm a professional award-winning working director/producer/writer for over 10 years now. My first feature film "Misogynist" got worldwide distribution on DVD and VOD and my 2nd feature "Sable" was released in late April. My IMDb and updated writer/director/producer demo reel are below for you to look at. I have won multiple awards in recognized film festivals as well and was put on a poll with Lena Dunham and Ryan Coogler of "Top directors under 30 to watch". I recently shot a TV pilot and the trailer is below as well and has amassed more than 340K views.
2 : Can you tell me about more "Still"
Still is my homage to Hitchcock and twilight zone tv show. It's a blend of drama and horror and a lot of twists and turns that will intrigue the viewers! It's basically about a husband who can't accept the fact that his wife has terminal cancer so he takes desperate measures.
3 : Which kind of role Damien play inside and why did you chose him ?
Damien plays a very twisted yet caring (almost too caring) Husband who is eccentric but has a very dark side to him.
4 : How it was to work with Damien ?
Damien is an incredible actor and true professional. He treated everybody on set with such respect and very easy to direct. He has a great sense of humor too!
5 : Can you tell us some little funny bts of Still ?
I gave Damien a lot of free range to improv sometimes and he threw out some really funny lines, some of which made it to the film! But can't say which ones cause it would spoil it! :)
6 : Can you tell me more about others actors ?
Tracey Bregman is a wonderful TV actress for over 30 years and this is the 2nd time I've worked with her, I worked with her on my 1st feature film Misogynist and Cathy Baron is a great actress with a lot of credits that I've known for a few years too. We all made a great team!
7 : What's your next project ?
I'm still pitching my TV series "Vengeance" that I hope gets picked up soon!
8 When "Still "will be release, where ? And Europeans people could see it ?( i'm french so )
Still is almost completed and we will first be sending it to a bunch of film festivals (some in Europe too) and after that probably will be online! :)
DC or Marvel ?
Damien had fun to reply to this Marvel or DC comics interview ! I sent him by e mail !
1 : Are you Marvel or DC comics ?
I am Comics...full stop! Marvel? D.C.? Archie? All works for me!
2 : Your favorite hero from Marvel ?
As a teenager I was a HUGE Spider-Man fan...and I still am. But growing older, yet definitely not wiser, I have come to LOVE the Wolverine!!!

3 : Your favorite hero from Dc ?
Actually....I was always a HUGE fan of Black Lightning as a kid....and I screamed out loud when I saw a trailer for an upcoming Black Lightning TV show originally screened at the San Diego Comic Con!!! Heck yeah!!!! 👊🏾
4 : If you could be super hero in Avenger, with which actor would you be team up to play it ? And Why ...
What do you mean...if I "could" be a hero in the Avengers? Are you telling me that squeezing myself into those itchy leggings every night is for nothing?!? 😝🤣
But seriously...I know the Wolverine is not really part of the Avengers, but he's just as much the odd outsider as I tend to be when it comes to groups. And there's only one "dude" I'd team up with....Deadpool!

5 : Wonder woman or Black widow ?
Errrr....seriously?!? Not even a question...Have you SEEN Gal Gadot?!?! 😍
6 : Are you more Thor 's world or Guardian of Galaxy ?
Guardians of the Galaxy all the way! They have talking raccoons, badass soundtracks and stunningly sexy women in green!?! 😁😇😈
7 : Do you love Groot ? ( Of course who doesn't :p )
There is only one answer to that "I am Groot" 😎

8 : What would be your super hero name ?
Captain Caffeine! And it pretty much IS my Superhero name! 😜☕️
9 : Team Iron or Team cap ? ( Still waiting :)
Keep waiting! Captain Iron all the way! 😝😇😈
10 : If you could meet one of the hero from DC or marvel, what could you tell or ask him ?
Superman...and I'd ask him how to achieve world peace...JUST KIDDING....Batman...and I'd ask him how he gets that much torque out of that bulky Batmobile engine...been trying to do that on my 4Runner! 😝😎
As for Marvel...I'd ask Atom if everything shrinks accordingly!!! 😉😉😉🤓
11 : Why are you so fan of Wolvy ? Hugh jackman or more the universe and character building ? ( will take some pic of ya as Wolvy
I am not a fan of the Wolverine! I AM the WOLVERINE...at least according to all of my friends who constantly tell me about my grumpy, snappy and overly charged attitude! 👹😜

12 : If you could play in any Marvel show, Daredevil ? Legion? Agent of shield ? Iron fist ? Jessica Jones, Luke Cage ? ( Legion ... Legion .. :)
Never mind those...Time for a Wolverine TV show?!? I feel like that could not only work, but is DEFINITELY, TOTALLY needed! 🙃
13 : If Roxy could play an animal hero, what will be her power ?
Any and everyone who's ever met Roxy knows that she is indeed an animal superhero in real life...she's guarded horses, goats, cats...rehabilitated aggressive canines and brought love and joy to autistic children! Talking about a superhero....that's more than most people can call on when asked about their life. And as far as her super power is concerned...just being ROXY...one heck of a super power!!! 🙌🏼🐶🙌🏼🐶
14 : Loki or Thor ?
Thor!!! Not a fan of Loki at all...and I know I'm pissing off a lot of ladies right now! 🤓
15 : Thor or Hulk ?
Hulk! Hulk...ALWAYS HULK!!! HULK SMASH!!!! 💪🏼👊🏼💪🏼👊🏼
16 : Winter soldier or black panther ?
Not even a competition...Black Panther!!! He is a TOTAL badass! 👊🏾
17 : Groot or starlord ?
Refer back to question 7! 😜🤓
18 : Superman or Batman ?
Let me put it this way...Christopher Reeve any day, any time!!! He didn't only play the part....he was A Super Man!!! 🙌🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼
19 : Flash or Green Arrow ?
The Green Arrow any time! I like the Flash, but the Green Arrow is a true badass (and Stephen Amell is a true badass playing him!)

Quote one of this movies for the end of the interview :)
I am Groot! 🤣😝😉🤓😇😈😎🌲
Damien Puckler unofficial Interview
Damien Live Tweet Q&A
I've planned for Damien Puckler Unofficial First Birthday , a live Tweet Q&A with Damien on twitter . He accepted it and we set it on Sunday JUne 7th . Little nervous , Damien did it Like a boss for his first Q&A . Thanks to him for all things he does for all his fans , It's great to work with him .
Questions from Sue :
Hey @DamienPuckler Thrilled to have u back on Grimm. When did u find out you had your job back? #askdamienpuckler ? Were you totally surprised? And what did you think about the #bringbackmeisner campaign?
Damien : Hi Sue! I literally found out a couple of weeks before the shoot! #bringbackmeisner campaign ROCKED! BANZAII to all supporters!!
Question from Grimm Fairy Tales :
#askdamienpuckler Will you be in more #Grimm EPs? Your recent appearance was a huge surprise for all of us And where did you go w/ Diana?
Damien : Patience is a a virtue! ;) And as far as Diana is concerned...are you working for the Royals?!?! :p
Grimm fairy tales :
haha funny one No, I am full force for the #Resistance. Thank you Damien. Have a great day!
Question from Lianne Annese :
Did you expect your character to become so popular, because he is you know! #askdamienpuckler
Damien : Never expected any of this...not sure who is more overwhelmed...Meisner or myself?!?! ;)
Question from Grimm international :
@DamienPuckler Did u know that you are mentioned every week by @yaeltygiel on Grimm @afterbuzztv? Perhaps u could appear on their aftershow?
Damien : I was not aware of that! That's amazing! Gotta check it out! :)
Question from Tina S&C :
Could u imagine in a German series to play along and with what an actor/actress would u like to make a film #askdamienpuckler
Damien : Absolutely! Goetz George is one of my favorites!:)
Question from Marcy Todd :
@DamienPuckler Are You Going To Team Up With Nick Soon On Grimm
Damien : All I can say is that it will be very interesting to see who teams up with whom in season 5! ;)
Question from Katia Stauch :
We will see More Meisner character in season 5 ?
Damien : Patience is the best part of courage
Question from Sue :
@DamienPuckler #askdamienpuckler Do you have a life motto/mantra?
Damien : Always give your damnedest & ur hardest & then, whatever the outcome...good or bad...you simply have to let it go!
Question from Grimm France ( Me, your Captain :)
When did you learn you was in fact a crazy Alien just came on earth to teach crazyness and Sport fight to people :p hahhaha @DamienPuckler
Damien : I actually think I am the only human and everyone else is an Alien! :p
Question from Sue :
Were you a goodie two shoes or a rebel at school?
Damien : School??? What's that? :PP
Question from Joanne H
it's difficult to play in GRIMM with wesen.. I love grimm, the cast is amazing I watch the show fromfrance , with witch actor you laugh the most #askdamienpuckler
Damien : Wesen are great...especially when you get to kick and punch them! :p . When on GRIMM, everyone is absolutely amazing...the whole crew & cast is like a family...we laugh all the time! :)
Question from Team Trubel :
No question, just a comment! BEST SURPRISE ENDING TO #Grimm #S4 #MeisnersReturn #askdamienpuckler
Damien : :)))) Thank you! Glad you like it! :))
Question From Vanessa Dawson :
Are you coming back for the next season?
Damien : Unless the helicopter runs out of gas! ;P
Question from mirta ines jimenez :
Which is your favoite actor dead or alive? What is your dog's name?
Damien : I am the world's BIGGEST Steve McQueen fan!!!! Roxy! Also known as Stinker Binker...also known as Banzaii Superqueen!
Question From Sue Dingo :
Are you a sweets or savouries guy? #askdamienpuckler , What makes you cry? #askdamienpuckler
Damien : 100% Savory!!! The speed of my ancient computer! :/ ;)
Question From Pili :
Would you like to play a role in a theatre?
Damien : I have played a lot of theater and I love it and would love to do more!
Damien Puckler Unofficial 2015
Damien take pic for his twitter

Interview with Amy Adler Trail Mutt Creator

Trail Mutt website : http://www.trailmutt.us.com/
Trail Mutt Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/TrailMutt/timeline
Trail Mutt Twitter : https://twitter.com/TrailMutts

1) Darf ich mich vorstellen?
Ich bin Amy Adler, die Gründerin von TRAIL MUTT.
Vor zwei Jahren habe ich mir einen sehr lebhaften Terrier zugelegt.
Mir war klar, das dies eine wichtige Veränderung in meinem Leben sein würde
aber nicht, das dies mein ganzen Leben verändern wird! Ich arbeite seit vielen Jahren als Assistenzärztin in Kliniken, war in der Rehabilitation von traumatisierten ,missbrauchten Frauen tätigen und war als Assistentin in der Forschung von HIV Medikamenten und deren Vorbereitung für klinische Tests .
Ich hatte ein unruhiges Leben und habe mir niemals die Zeit genommen auch einmal
meine Nachbarn kennenzulernen. Nachdem ich nun “Frankie” hatte hat sich vieles
verändert. Ich ging in der Nachbarschaft spazieren und lernte meine Umgebung
kennen. Schon in der ersten Woche habe ich etwa 60 neue Bekannte getroffen.
Einige sind zwischenzeitlich sogar gute Freunde geworden. Auch Sie können ein paar
von ihnen auf unserem Einführungsvideo kennenlernen, das wir in ein paar Wochen
veröffentlichen werden.
2)Was ist nun TRAIL MUTT?
TRAIL MUTT, Inc. ist eine kleine , im Besitz von Frauen befindliche Firma in
Los Angeles, Kalifornien.Wir bieten einzigartige Produkte, die das Laben von
Hundebesitzern vereinfachen, an. Unsere ersten Produkte beinhalten einen
zusammenklappbaren Hundenapf, Neighborhood Tote und Utility Belt, sowie einen
Mehrzweckgürtel für Hundebesitzer.
Die Idee für TRAIL MUTT entstand weil ich es leid war jedes Mal so viele Dinge
für den Hund für einen Spaziergang oder Ausflug zusammenzusuchen. Ich wollte
etwas finden, ähnlich wie Eltern für ihre Babys, das man mit einem Handgriff
alle Utensilien für den Hund zusammen hat und losgehen kann.
Das Ergebnis ist der TRAIL MUTT Neighborhood Tote, ist eine spezielle tüte
mit einer Tasche für ein Handy, Tasche für Geld und Ausweis, leicht nachzufüllender
Kottüten und extra Tasche für die Pflege.
Der TRAIL MUTT Utility Belt ist ein Gürtel mit Aufnahmemöglichkeit für eine
Wasserflasche und abnehmbaren Hundenapf. Für eine erweiterte Funktionalität
kann der NEIGHBORHOOD TOTE am Gürtel befestigt werden, so dass man alles
für einen Ausflug zusammen hat.
Ich werde meine Sorgfaltsprinzipien als Assistenzärztin auch zukünftig walten lassen
und mein Geschäft nach folgenden Grundsätzen aufbauen:
Produktion und Materialien weitestmöglich regional. Als Resultat sind fast alle
Materialien von TRAIL MUTT aus Kalifornien und es wird in der Region Los
Angeles produziert.
Unterstützung von anderen Organisationen mit ähnlicher Phylosophie.
So habe ich mich mit der Special OperationsTechnologie , einer Organisation
mit einem Programm für Arbeitsplätze für Veteranen ( Green Vets LA Job
Training Programm) zusammengetan um TRAIL MUTT Produkte herzustellen.
Diese Organisation hilft ihren Mitgliedern die schwere Umstellung vom
Militärdienst zum Zivilleben zu erleichtern und neue Kenntnisse zu erlernen.
Nur das Beste für unsere kleinen Lieblinge!
Im Gegensatz zur Konkurenz verwendet TRAIL MUTT besonders leichte
Materialien, die den FDA Bestimmungen entsprechen, die im Labors getestet sind
Und für das Futter geeignete und geprüfte Taschen und Napfe.
Aus meiner Krankenhauserfahrung heraus ist dies besonders wichtig für meine
Produkte. Ich bin überzeugt, dass die Verbraucher keine Schadstoffe in
ihren Wasserflaschen wollen und genauso wenig Giftstoffe in ihrem Hundefutter
und Trinkwasser für ihre Hunde haben wollen. Das gleiche Material wird übrigens
von Bloggers für wiederverwendbare Sandwichverpackungen verwandt.
Und schlussendlich: Wir möchten zukünftige Gewinne dazu verwenden um Hunden in Not zu helfen. Unterstützer der ersten TRAIL MUTT Kampagne können mitentscheiden welche Organisation wir unterstützen werden.
3) Zukünftige Projekte ?
Ich habe noch 4 bis 5 weitere Produkte in der Entwicklung, aber zunächst möchte ich
TRAIL MUTT s Bekanntheitsgrad mit einigen wenigen hochqualitativen Produkten
4) Warum wurden Damien und Roxy ausgesucht ?
Damien und Roxy personifizieren das Produkt. Ich kenne die beiden seit einigen
Jahren. Ich traf die beiden bei einem Spaziergang auf einen unserer beliebtesten
Ausflugsziele in Los Angeles. Er und Roxy waren immer zusammen und, fast
unglaublich, war sie immer der Star!
Als ein Fan von Grimm weiss man , dass er schauspielern kann und als ich
mich entschloss ein Video zu produzieren bat ich ihn mitzumachen. Damien ist
ist eine großartige und großzügige Persönlichkeit und er sagte sofort zu.
Wenn das Video mit Damien und Roxy gestartet ist können Unterstützer und Käufer
Neuigkeiten und Nachlässe über die Facebookseite erhalten. Jeder, der den
Newsletter anklickt erhält eine E-Mail wenn wir starten.
5) Welche Rolle spielen Damien und Roxy bei TRAIL MUTT ?
Ich sehe die beiden als Botschafter der Firma und deren Produkte. Sie sind Freunde
und Unterstützer und das Gesicht von TRAIL MUTT solange sie möchten!
Interview with John Ellis Starfall

Damien Puckler Unofficial interview 2014
Credit starfall logo go to Facebook Starfall, credit to starfall fanart and Meisner pic belong to Damien Puckler Unofficial .
I had the great Honor to send some Questions to J.E. Ellis, creator, executive producer of Starfall new web serie where Damien Puckler is going to play the Leader role Captain Will Hunter . Despite he is very busy , John took on his free time to reply and did it with passion for Damien Puckler Unofficial Twitter and Facebook, It was a great moment and I thanks him a lot . Welcome in Starfall world !!!
Damien Puckler Unofficial : Can you introduce you and Starfall creators crew ?
John : this is a tough one, because I'm generally not comfortable with talking about myself. :)
But...I've been writing since about 12 years old--I also spent a lot of time reading. Classics, spy novels, sci-fi, fantasy, everything I could get my hands on. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings really inspired me to pursue writing.
I've written everything from tech manuals and business plans, to short stories and magazine articles, to novels and screenplays. I self-published my first novel, "The Hordes of Rage," in 2006. 2000 saw my first screenplay, "The Harvesters," that was actually shown on French TV in 2001 (or so our distributor told us). In 2007, the documentary I wrote, A Glimpse of Heaven and a Taste of Hell, won a couple of film festival awards. And of course, you know about Starfall and the prequel novel and the comic.
Another major contributor is Les Zigomanis, an Australian writer/editor at Busybird Publishing in Melbourne. Les gets credit for a lot of the original foundations of Starfall, although we've changed many, many things since then.
Tyler Bourns, the director, has seen the vision of Starfall from the beginning and added to it. I pulled his bio from IMDb:
At just 17 years old, Tyler Bourns produced and directed the no-budget full length feature film, Ashland, that won awards at both the Indie Gathering and the WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival. After numerous television pilots as a Director of Photography and Editor, he directed "A Glimpse of Heaven and a Taste of Hell," which went on to win a Silver Remi award, a Bronze Telly Award, and aired on PBS in July 08'.
Tyler went on to work for McNulty Nielsen Productions in North Hollywood and in 2009 he Directed an Anti-Meth PSA Spot Featuring Emmy Award Winning Actor Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad/Malcolm in the Middle).
Tyler founded a video production company, Bourns Productions Inc, in 2010 in Reno, NV, specializing in narrative and documentary films, corporate videos, commercials, music videos and more. To date, Tyler has worked on hundreds of Professional Video Productions including a short film that played during the 2012 MTV Movie Awards featuring Joel McHale. Tyler produced and directed the award winning two hour documentary Freedom 50/50 in 2011 and in 2012, Tyler served as Director of Photography on two Low Budget Indie Films - The Award Winning Film "Nowhere Nevada" and "The Ashes of Brush Flats." In 2013 he DP'd the 20 minute short film "Look Twice."
There are others who have contributed significantly to Starfall: Richard Hescox brought forth a vision of the Command Deck, his sketches being consistent with our ideas, and Petter Wahlback has composed a theme for Starfall which again, captures the spirit of the show. Scott Nakada designed the logo and the preliminary look of the starship, and will further develop our vision at time goes on.
DPU : About Starfall, when did you decide to do this project, ? How it come true ? Can you tell us more about Starfall ? Where it take place , when ? What's the particularity of the show ?
John : I can tell you a lot about Starfall, so I'm not sure what you are looking for, but...
Starfall takes place about 300 years in the future, in a galaxy that is filled with alien governments. Humanity has recently been freed from almost a century of slavery and although free, are still looked at by many groups as a second-class, barbaric race. A few aliens are still practicing slavery and committing atrocities against humans despite the laws against it (this is the premise for Terra Rising).
Stafall is a space-opera, that is, it takes place primarily in outer space and on board spacecraft. Very little of the show takes place "on the ground" on planets. Almost none of the show takes place on Earth or even in our Solar System.
Some of the major themes of the show are bigotry and discrimination, racial profiling, and so on. For the characters, other themes include, being true to yourself, accepting who you are and who you're not, being who you want to be rather than what others want.
It's also a military sci-fi. The spacecraft that most of the show revolves around is the Ardri Jennet, a military vehicle in the 2nd Expeditionary Corps, which is a branch of the of the military of the Allied Republics, a major galactic government. The 2nd Expeditionary Corps is much like the Foreign Legion in that recruits are not the best of the best and are usually running/hiding from something in their past
DPU: The comic Terra Rising is a prequel of Starfall , inside we can see a character who really looklike Damien Puckler , Is that the thing which decided you to ask him ?
John: Terra Rising is a prequel, but the main character is Max Scythe (an acquaintance of Will Hunter's that we'll see sometime in the show). The similar appearance of Max to Damien is purely coincidental. Our choosing of Damien was based on how he looks, sure, but not because of Terra Rising. More importantly, we picked Damien because of his great work on Grimm, among other things. He's a great actor who can pull off the role of Will Hunter perfectly.
DPU: Can you talk about the others actors you chose for the show ?
John : What we looked for in the other actors is
1. are they right for the part (look, demeanor, experience, talent)
2. are they available
3. are they interested
With Andrew Jackson--I think I had Andrew in my mind when I created his character. I don't normally do that; but I know Andrew, and have loved his work for a long time. And he's been a staunch supporter of Starfall almost from the beginning.
Ellen Dubin--another one whose work I've loved. Didn't know her personally (she's close with Andrew), but when Andrew introduced us, we clicked. The only trouble was, Ellen is so talented we had difficulty picking which role she would be the best at!
Bill Oberst Jr.--answered a casting call we put out at IMDb. Not being much of a horror fan myself, thinking of Bill in sci-fi was definitely outside the box. But again, he's got the skills (his Criminal Minds character is brilliant).
Richard Leacock--was a happy coincidence. We were working with an agent on another actor (who dropped out), and the agent mentioned Richard, who, now we see, if perfect for the role!
Valerie Mya--although very new, she's got amazing skills. And in the classic "it's who you know" vein, she is a good friend of Tyler's. He lobbied heavily for her, but once I saw some of her work, it was a no-brainer.
And, of course, we've talked about Damien.
The biggest thing is, without exception, all of these talented people, once they heard more about the show and read the script, have fallen in love with Starfall. That's the most amazing thing to me!
DPU : Do you know when the first episode will be airing on line? How many time an episode will need for to be entirely shoot ? Episode will be available on line for the world or only American people ?
John: We'll shoot in November, then start on post-production right away. It's hard to say how long that will take--it depends on how fast the CGI/SFX guys work, and the composer doing the music, editing and so on. And everything slows down during the holidays. I'm hoping for February--I wish it would be sooner, but I doubt if it will be.
But once it's all done, it's only a matter of uploading it and it'll available online. As far as where, I know it'll be on Vimeo as a video-on-demand. We're also shooting for iTunes, Crackle and some other outlets. But we are looking globally. I don't know if you get Vimeo in Europe, but we will find outlets that give people all over the world a chance to view it.
As far as how many episodes--it will take 6-8 webisodes to make an hour long, traditional episode. But our intent is to begin working on the second webisode as soon as the first one is out.
That's the plan!
DPU : What's the difference between filming a TV Show and a web serie ? Sponsor, Budget , publicity ?
John: In traditional TV, the process generally works like this: put together a concept and pitch it to executives, if they like it, they'll "order" a pilot, that is, give you a certain amount of money to make it. If the pilot works, then more episodes get ordered, and so on.
For a webseries, everything is done independently. Concept to script to pre-production to shooting to post to distributon--it's all done with the resources of whoever is running the thing. The good thing is you own it (rather than the studio who "orders" a pilot), the bad thing is you're limited to your own resources. Most webseries are done very cheaply. Even the better ones are generally made with less than 10% of the budget of a traditional TV show. You tend to get very creative with finding ways to finance it.
With Starfall, my intent has always been to produce something--even though it's a "webseries"--that's good enough to show on TV. My view is that we reach this standard or we don't do it. So far, we've managed to achieve that goal (look at the actors we have versus most of the other webseries), but money is always an ongoing battle. We'd be pleased to talk to potential investors even now.
So I guess, really, there's not that much different between a traditional TV show and a webseries--it all come down to money!
DPU : Some other project are in your mind ?
I always have other projects in mind. A trilogy of fantasy novels, another (non-sci fi) TV show, feature film scripts, etc...But everything is taking a back seat until Starfall is fully functioning.